The Facet V2 Blockchain

Facet V2 Components

  • Chain ids

    • Mainnet: 1027303 (0xface7) in hex

    • Alpha Testnet 16436858 (0xface7a in hex)

  • RPC endpoint:

    • This endpoint supports all read-only functions (e.g., eth_estimateGas, eth_getBalance, eth_getBlockByNumber, eth_call).

    • To initiate transactions you will use an L1 RPC endpoint in a special way, see below.

  • API (one endpoint for now)

    •${txHash}: Returns information about an Ethereum transaction based on its hash. Included are a list of Facet Transaction created by the Ethereum transaction as well as their transaction receipts.

  • Differences from EVM

    • Native token issuance (see below)

    • Inline with Facet V1, addresses are computed differently in Facet to avoid collisions between Facet contract addresses and L1 contract addresses.

    • Base fee formula.

  • Facet V1 Import

    • All Facet V1 transactions and asset balances will be imported into V2 (though they are not available in testnet-alpha). No action from users is required, though devs must update their apps to the new version of the protocol.

Last updated